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Publications récentes 2022 - 2023

2023_12 A. FIGUEROA-ROMERO, A. ATCHADE, M. FIOGBE, A. YADOULETON, J-Y. LE HESRAN, E. YOVO, S. HOUNSA, E. BONNET, J. GAUDART, A. MASSOUGBODJI, R. GONZALEZ, G. COTTRELL, Séroprévalence de l'infection à SARS-CoV-2 chez la femme enceinte à Allada et Natitingou (Bénin) en 2022, Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, Volume 71, Supplement 3,

2023_11 OUEDRAOGO, W., BIAU, S., BONNET, E. & RIDDE, V., Pertinence d’une plateforme technologique de participation citoyenne pour consolider les systèmes de santé subsahariens. Santé Publique, 35, 251-260.

2023_15 M. FALY BA, V. RIDDE, A. IBRA DIALLO, J.A.D. TINE, B. KANE, I. GAYE, Z. TRAORÉ, E. BONNET, A. FAYE, Acceptabilité de la prise en charge des contacts et du traitement des cas simples de COVID-19 à domicile : une étude transversale au Sénégal, Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, Volume 71, Supplément 3, 2023, 101869, ISSN 0398-7620,

2023_14 A.TOUGMA, F. LE MARCIS, A. NIKIEMA, E. BONNET, Les contraintes socio-spatiales à l’allaitement maternel exclusif ches les mères séropositives à Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), Revue Espace, Territoires, Sociétés et Santé, 6 (11), 197-212 , Vol. 6, No. 11, juil. 2023, pp. 197-212 


2023_13 V. RIDDE, A COULIBALY, L TOURÉ, F BA, K ZINSZER, E BONNET, A HONDA, Financial issues in times of a COVID-19 pandemic in a tertiary hospital in Mali", in International Journal of Health Planning and Management,


2023_12 E. BONNET, A. NIKIEMA, Les traumatismes routiers en Afrique : l’épidémie oubliée, ESBC, Edition Sciences et Bien Commun, Montréal, Canada,


2023_11 CLOUTIER, M., TURCOTTE, S., AYASSAMY, P., BONNET, E., DURETTE, G., FLEURET, S .. & ROBITAILLE, É., Chapitre 9. Géographie de la santé. in Isabelle Goupil-Sormany éd., Environnement et santé publique: Fondements et pratiques (pp. 227-249). Rennes: Presses de l’EHESP.


2023_10 A. NIKIEMA, A. ZOUGOURI, E. BONNETSécurité routière au Burkina Faso : l’indispensable formation des jeunes, in Les traumatismes routiers en Afrique : l’épidémie oubliée, ESBC, Edition Sciences et Bien Commun, Montréal, Canada

2023_08 S. ARITA, M.F.  BA, Z. TRAORÉ, E. BONNET, A. FAYE, V. RIDDE, Use of interviewer-administered telephone surveys during infectious disease outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics: a scoping review, BMJ Global Health 2023;8:e011109.

2023_07 I.M. NAZMUL, E. BONNET, M. SARKER, M. DE ALLEGRI, V. RIDDE, High coverage and equitable distribution: status and correlates of COVID-19 vaccine uptake in two vulnerable sites in Bangladesh. Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A385. 7th World Congress on Public Health, Rome.

2023_06 D. DADDAH, Y.G. AHANHANZO, A. KPOZEHOUEN, H.B. DOS- SANTOS, E. BONNET, A. LEVÊQUE, & Y. COPPIETERS, Understanding the factors of road crash severity in Benin: a matched case-control study. Journal of Public Health in Africa.

2023_05 CISSOKO M, LANDIER J, KOURIBA B, E. BONNET, et al, J. GAUDART, SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and living conditions in Bamako (Mali): a cross-sectional multistage household survey after the first epidemic wave, 2020 BMJ Open 2023;13:e067124. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-067124

2023_04 G. TERTI, S. LOUART, S. ANQUETIN, K. KOUADIO, V. RIDDE, I. RUIN, V. YOBOUÉ, E. BONNET, The Health Impacts of Extreme Weather Events in Africa: A scoping review protocol,,

2023_03 E. BONNET, LEROSIER T, TOURÉ L, D. DIARRA, V. RIDDE, Evolution of assisted deliveries at primary, healthcare centres in an unstable security context in Mali. BMJ Global Health 2023; BMJ Global Health 2023; 7:e010811. doi:10.1136/ bmjgh-2022-010811 

2023_02 RIDDE, V., SAMB, O., FILLOL, A., KADIO, K. & E. BONNET, IV / Quelques enjeux contemporains de la santé au Sahel. Dans : Agence française de développement éd., L'économie africaine 2023 (pp. 61-76). Paris: La Découverte.

2023_01 K. R M AZONGNIBO, N. G.-COULIBALY, E. BONNET, M. N W KOKRO-DJAHOURI, K. F ASSOUHO, M. G NIAMKE, F. FOURNET, P. K ANOH, SB. ASSI, AKRÉ M ADJA, Spatiotemporal analysis of malaria incidence in Côte d'Ivoire from 2015 to 2019, Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,


2022_13 E. BONNET, Y. BEAUGE, M.F. BA, S. SIDIBE, M. DE ALLEGRI, V. RIDDE, Knowledge of COVID-19 and the impact on indigents’ access to healthcare in Burkina Faso, Journal International Journal for Equity in Health,


2022_12 E. PIGEON-GAGNÉ, T. VIGU, K. KADIO, E. BONNET, V. RIDDE, Explanatory models of psychotic-like experiences in rural Burkina Faso: a qualitative study among indigents and their community, Global Mental Health,


2022_11 F. BA, V. RIDDE, A. DIALLO, J.A. TINE, B. KANE, I. GAYE, Z. TRAORE, E. BONNET, A. FAYE, Acceptability of contact management and care of simple case of COVID-19 at home : a cross-sectional study in Senegal, Transaction of the royal society of tropical medicine and hygine,


2022_10, A. S. HIEN, I. SANGARE, P. OUATTARA, S. P. SAWADOGO, D. D. SOMA, H. MAIGA, A. DIABATÉ, E. BONNET, V. RIDDE, F. FOURNET, F. M. HAWKES, C. KRAUPA, J. BOUYER, A. M. ABDALLA, K. R. DABIRÉ, Chikungunya (Togaviridae) and dengue 2 (Flaviviridae) viruses detected from Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in Burkina Faso by qRT-PCR technique: preliminary results and perspective for molecular characterisation of arboviruses circulation in vector populations, Frontiers in Tropical Diseases, 10.3389/fitd.2022.920224


2022_9 DIALLO, A., FAYE, A., TINE, J., M. BA, E. BONNET, I. GAYE, Z. TRAORÉ, & RIDDE, V., Factors associated with the acceptability of government measures to address COVID-19 in Senegal, Revue d’épidémiologie et santé publique,


2022_08 M. RUDASINGWAM. DE ALLEGRIC. MPHUKAC. CHANSAE. YEBOAHE. BONNETV. RIDDE & B.M. CHITAH, Universal health coverage and the poor: to what extent are health financing policies making a difference? Evidence from a benefit incidence analysis in Zambia, BMC Public Health 22, 1546 (2022).

2022_07 M.F. BA, A. FAYE, B. KANE, A.DIALLO, A.JUNOT, I.GAYE, E. BONNET & V. RIDDE, Factors associated with COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in Senegal: a mixed study, Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, DOI 10.1080/21645515.2022.2060020

2022_06 L. YEMBI-YEMBI, S. COSTA ET E. BONNET, Perceptions et représentations socio-spatiales des risques dans les communes multirisques : le cas de la place du risque d'inondation par la mer chez les habitants de Port-Gentil au Gabon, Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography, ; DOI :

2022_05 V. RIDDE, B. KANE, I. GAYE, F. BA, A. DIALLO, E. BONNET, Z. TRAORÉ, A. FAYE, Acceptability of government measures against COVID-19 pandemic in Senegal : A mixed methods study, Plos Global Health,

2022_04 E. YEBOAH, E. BONNET ET AL. Every drop matters: combining population-based and satellite data to investigate the link between lifetime rainfall exposure and chronic undernutrition in children under five years in rural Burkina Faso, Environmental Research Letters, 10.1088/1748-9326/ac84f3

2022_03 L. CLECH, S. MEISTER, M. BELLOISEAU, T. BENMARHNIAE. BONNETA. CASSEUSP. CLOOSC. DAGENAISM. DE ALLEGRIA. DESGRÉES DU LOÛL. FRANCESCHINJM. GOUDETD. HENRYSD. MATHONM. MATINL. QUEUILLEM. SARKERC.PAILLARD TURENNE & V. RIDDE, Healthcare system resilience in Bangladesh and Haiti in times of global changes (climate-related events, migration and Covid-19): an interdisciplinary mixed method research protocol. BMC Health Serv Res 22, 340 (2022).


2022_02 L.C.  DA, H. HANGNON, M. AMALRIC, A.NIKIEMA, E. ROBERT, E BONNET, Revealing social vulnerability profiles for urban flood management: the case of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography, Systèmes, Modélisation, Géostatistiques, DOI :


2022_01 M. RUDASINGWA; E. YEBOAH; V. RIDDE; E. BONNET; M. DE ALLEGRI; A. SINJANI MUULA, How equitable is health spending on curative services and institutional delivery in Malawi? Evidence from a quasi-longitudinal Benefit Incidence Analysis, International Journal for Equity in Health, Int J Equity Health 21, 25 (2022).

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